Home : InfoMedicine Staff
Infomedicine Staff
The Infomedicine team consists of multidisciplinary, highly-trained professionals: An M.D., Ph.D., and a Ph.D. with strong experience in biomedical research databases, and computer science. Levels of expertise include evidence-based medicine, biomedical informatics, health education, and nutrition. We have combined our interests in data processing and medicine to empower people with knowledge to help them shape their health concerns.
Responsibility for the planning, direction, execution, and quality assurance of the informationresearch retrieval service is solely that of the director of Infomedicine, Francisco Saavedra, M.D., Ph.D., a board-certified family physician with 20 years of experience in medical literature retrieval systems. Education includes training in medical literature analysis and data retrieval systems at the City University of London, the University of Wales in the United Kingdom, and Harvard School of Public Health. He started working in the field of medical informatics as Director of data retrieval services in the Scientific Medical Information Unit of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon School of Medicine at the (UANL) in Monterrey, Mexico. The unit provided evidence-based medical literature to support basic, clinical research, preventive medicine, curricular development, and patient care, based on the USA National Library of Medicine's databases. Additionally, Dr. Saavedra was the Director and founder of the Biomedical Information Center of the Hospital Aranda de la Parra in Leon, Mexico, one of the country's leading private hospitals. Dr. Saavedra holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Washington School of Medicine and was a recipient of a prestigious National Institutes of Health Fellowship.
Head of technical support and development is Robert Dickow, Ph.D., who has experience in database management, website design, and software engineering. He has published software for many popular computer platforms. Recent computing research has included work in algorithmic musiccomposition and Digital Signal Processing sound design. He came to the Pacific Northwest in 1984 to become a faculty member in music and coordinator of computer-aided instruction in the Lionel Hampton School of Music at theUniversity of Idaho, where he continues to teach music theory, composition, and horn. Dr. Dickow's role at Infomedicine is to manage the support department, serve as a technical consultant, and develop the web software and business database management system.